21 January 2009

 I told myself, told myself, that I would not let myself get too wrapped in whether I get accepted into graduate school.  But, I just can't help it!

The more I think about living in Salt Lake, Seattle, Iowa City, or Pullman, the more excited I become! 

Here's the deal, though.  I applied to four very, very, very competitive programs.  Iowa is, by far, the most competitive.  Then, U of Utah.  Then, UW. Then, WSU.  WSU, which is the least competitive out of the schools (besides BSU) still only takes 10 out of 100 applicants!

I need to remind myself to be.  Just be!  Don't stress, don't stress, don't stress.  Enjoy the process.

Uh, right.  :)

14 January 2009

WSU/Washington State/Wazzu

So, I did a "campus visit" today at WSU, or Washington State University, or as Doug likes to correct "Wazzu".  In any case, I visited the campus to get a feel for the program, meet the people that might be my future bosses/teachers, and (hopefully) let them (those future boss/teacher people) see why I'd be a good fit for the program.

(I'd be a good fit for the program.  Seriously.)

The campus is lovely.  Old trees, old buildings, walking paths, hills, steps instead of elevators. The safety of the trees that are like reading.  Steps that cause labor-heavy individuals to pause halfway up.  Walking paths up hills and down hills and over and under things, around other things; paths that walk and walk until you wind up where you were.

Pullman is small, but quaint, and thrives on the university.  One student described the town during the holidays as a twist to the movie I am Legend

(sidenote: what is with all the depressing Will Smith movies lately?)

The CUB (their version of the SUB) is modern.  Much, much more modern than our "updated" SUB.  Much nicer.  They even have a Barnes and Nobles!  But, the food isn't any better than ours. 

The English building is old, as English buildings should be.  It's more interesting that way.  The professors (that I met) seem pretty easy going and happy to be there.  Obviously, they live in Pullman simply because they want to teach as WSU (really, there's no other reason to live here).  

As much as I like this place, there's only one problem.  Out of the 100+ applications that they receive, they take 10.  Ten.  Ten applications out of one hundred.  So, if I were to be chosen, I will feel very important.  And, if I'm not, I will understand. 

In any case, I like this place (did I say that already?).  I think it could work for me (and work well, too).  

Next week: University of Utah!